
The company has created this website with the sole purpose of serving its customers. is a user-friendly website, designed to cope with the specific needs of every user. To serve you better, it is important that you, are customer, realise that you must disclose certain information concerning the processing of your order, which shall be kept by us.
This Personal Data Protection Statement, along with the Terms and Conditions of Use for this website, describe how data are collected by, the use of said data by us, and the terms and conditions for using this website. This Personal Data Protection Statement refers solely to your personal data, which are disclosed by you when placing your orders at this website.

The information provided voluntarily by the users of the website in question are used by to allow its users having direct and effective communication with the shop, have their questions answered, and finally receive service and have their orders executed. The information collected by through the website aim to measure its traffic, specify the requirements of the customers for additional products, and facilitate transactions with the company. Yumtales.grdoes not disclose to any other organization or affiliate not associated with the electronic addresses or any other information related to its users and customers.

Gathering of information has designed its website, so its users can visit it anonymously, unless they require to disclose their identity. The visitors of our website are asked to disclose their personal data only in the event where they wish to place an order, register in our website, and/or send an email to

Use of information
Yumtales.grcollects four types of information regarding users: (1) data provided by the user when registering as a customer, (2) data provided by the user with the purpose of having his/her order executed by, (3) data provided by the user when participating in various competitions, (4) data provided by the user when connecting through a different platform (iOS, or android applications, Facebook, Google). When completing any order form in our website, you will be requested to fill in your name and surname, the address, the postcode of your area, your email address, your phone number, your credit card details, and the method for paying the order. In addition, more specific information may be requested, such as details regarding the dispatch – delivery of an order, any invoicing details, or additional details regarding an offer you have requested. Yumtales.gruses the information you disclose when sending the order form with the purpose of communicating with you about (i) the delivery of the order at your site, (ii) confirming and identifying the customer when necessary, (iii) any new or alternative products or services offered by (iv) any special offers by, (v) collecting prizes after winning a competition. You may opt-out from such messages by by emailing your request at

Access to Information
The processing of orders requires the collection of personal data, with the purpose of making a delivery or reserving an order. In addition, the use of a credit card is secured, by using documentation identifying its lawful holder when used for the first time. Any documentation and certificate verifying and declaring the identity of the customer remains strictly confidential and is accessed solely by the authorized department of The disclosure of your personal data implies your consent for the use of such data by the employees of for the above purposes. requires from its employees and the administrators of its website to provide to its users – customers the level of security noted in this Personal Data Protection Statement. In no case whatsoever is it allowed for to share your personal data with third parties without your prior consent, unless this is required by the law. Please take into consideration that under specific conditions, under the law or a court order, it is possible to collect, use, and disclose your personal data, which have been collected online, without requiring any prior consent by your part (for instance, in case of a court order).

Cookies may use cookies to facilitate and enable various services through its website. Cookies are small text files sent and kept in the user’s computer, allowing websites, such as, to operate seamlessly and without any technical issues, gather multiple selections made by the user, identify frequent users, facilitate their access to the site, and collect data to improve the content of the site. Cookies are not harmful for the computers of the users, nor for their files. We use cookies to provide you with information and process your orders, while upon exiting the site, these cookies are deleted automatically. Please bear in mind that the cookies are completely necessary for to operate properly and without problems.

Correcting, Amending, or Deleting Information allows users to correct, change, complete, or delete any data and information provided to If you choose to delete any information, shall act to have said information deleted from its files without delay. To protect the user, shall try to confirm that the person making such changes is actually the user. To obtain access, change, or delete your personal data, report any problems concerning the function of the website, or ask a question, contact through the special contact form or by calling at 211 4098223. You may also change or correct your personal data through the registration page of Please take into consideration that we shall make everything possible to protect your personal data, but the protection of your password for logging in our website also depends on you.

Frequent changes shall constantly expand, update, and improve its website, along with its relevant products and services, and shall update the present policy accordingly. You are strongly encouraged to check this procedure regularly, in order to stay up-to-date on any changes in the content of this personal data protection policy. This policy shall be amended from time to time without prior notice to the users.

Acceptance of the Privacy Protection Procedures applied by
If you are using this website, you are accepting and consenting to this Personal Data Protection Statement, as well as to the Terms and Conditions of Use for the website disclosed through it.

Secure transactions is committed to the security and integrity of the data collected regarding the users of its website. In addition, has adapted procedures that protect the personal data disclosed by the users in its website or disclosed by any other means (e.g. by phone). These procedures protect user data against any unauthorized access or disclosure, loss or improper use, and change or destruction. These also help certify that these details are accurate and properly used. Your connection is secured, since it is based on SSL (Secure Socket Layer) technology. SL technology is based on a key code used for encrypting data before transmitting them over the SSL connection. Security verification between the data and the server is based on the unique key code, thus ensuring protected communication. Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, and Safari browsers support SSL protocol and you are encouraged to use any of the above to access